Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We are planning to depart for South Africa on January 7th (pending the processing of our residence permits in time). We have sold most of our belongings and are “camping out” in our unfurnished house: sleeping on air mattresses, eating on paper plates and borrowing a TV and microwave from a friend! We’re filling our days with necessary preparations for the move and precious visits with friends and family.

Upon arrival in Johannesburg, we will get over our jet lag and begin to set up our new residence on the mission base of Joint Aid Management (JAM). We’ll visit preschools and enroll Peter as well as interview nannies for in-home childcare for John David. We are set to begin in our positions with JAM on February 1st.

Minda will be working as Personal Assistant to Peter Pretorius, helping him during the transition period of the next few years as he prepares to give the leadership of the organization to his son. Paul is going to be managing the websites, writing and editing stories as well as monitoring donations coming in to track their effectiveness.

We are very much looking with anticipation to this new opportunity in front of us. In addition to our work with JAM, there are many churches and ministries who are doing so much effective good in South Africa, whom we look forward to building relationship with and ministering with as opportunity provides. We love South Africa and can hardly believe we’ll be living there in just a matter of weeks!

This is a missionary endeavor and so we have undertaken the challenge of getting there and the many expenses that go along with that such as fees for residence visas (plus the expenses of acquiring all the legal documentation required), airfare, and the accumulating of furnishings for our new home. If you would like to give towards making the work we will do possible, tax-deductible contributions can be made to DDMI (Divine Design Ministries International) and all funds will go fully to us. Please mail to:
Nichols Mission
2457 Airport Thruway
PMB #220
Columbus, GA 31904

Thank you for the interest and support that so many of you have expressed and for being a part of this exciting journey with us. We will continue to update as our “new season” in life unfolds!

May you have a Merry Christmas, celebrating all you hold most dear and may you experience God’s blessing in your 2009!