Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paul's Preach

If you would like to hear Paul minister at NCCB, the message will be downloaded online after Sunday, August 23rd (he will be the speaker on the 23rd instead of the 16th).
Click here:
(From the menu select "Media" and from the dropdown menu select "Preaching.")

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August Update

We’ve passed a significant milestone in our passage into Africa. We have identified and settled on a church to make our home in Johannesburg and our local covering for any ministry the Lord may lead us to do in Africa. We are very excited to be a part of New Covenant Church Bryanston (NCCB) and will be received as members in September.

One's journey through life is truly meant to be a walk of faith. Not every detail was laid out in front of us as we came to Africa, but as we have walked step by step we have been led by two things: 1) principle and 2) peace in our hearts. As we’ve been patient we have been amazed at the unfolding design of God in leading us to the right church for us at this important crossroads in our lives.

NCCB is the original congregation of the network, New Covenant Ministries International, which has planted hundreds of churches (some on every continent) over the past 30 years. We were drawn to NCCB because of their like-minded paradigm to what has been built into us already in ministry. One of the most outstanding characteristics of NCCB is that they have managed to maintain a very organic nature, despite their 30-year existence and relatively large congregation (about 800).

Churches are planted literally every year from NCCB. Not surprisingly, God sends many leaders to NCCB and to the leadership covering of Ashley Bell (the pastor) and his eldership team who are absolutely committed to sowing their “best”. Of the 15 or so elders that were in the church 2 years ago, only 2 remain and others have since been added on. The rest have been sent out with teams of other leaders within the church - and yet God keeps adding to NCCB.

We have also been excited as we’ve learned more about the work that NCCB does “up into Africa”, continually sending out teams to train and raise up indigenous leaders amongst the Church in Africa. This is thrilling to us because of what God has laid on our hearts for this continent.

There is a large segment of the congregation that is “youngish”, in their 20’s and 30’s and there are many young families, so we are thoroughly enjoying the vibrancy of church life! We have been warmly received and we can hardly keep up with all the opportunities to connect and relate to new friends.

Paul has been honored to be invited to minister at the Sunday morning service on August 16th. You’ll be able to hear him online after the message is downloaded at

In other news: our work with JAM continues to be both challenging and fulfilling, Peter lost his third tooth, we will celebrate John David’s second birthday this month and we’re looking forward to springtime after the cold months in the Southern Hemisphere. We’re enjoying life and our hearts are very full of gratitude.