Thursday, September 17, 2009

1 Year Mark Since Our 2008 Trip

There is something about finding and embracing your place in the Church that releases things in your life. We have found that since we determined to pursue NCCB as our local church and place of service we have been overwhelmed with the goodness of God towards us that has surrounded that decision. It seems almost overnight that we feel so relationally connected to so many quality people at NCCB. Deep and fulfilling friendships are developing faster than we can keep up with! We have been so grateful at how quickly and readily the leadership have embraced us, taken us in and received what we have to give.

August was a big month in many ways. JAM celebrated their 25th Anniversary with an “International Funder’s Week,” during which the heads of all of our international affiliate offices convened here at our South African international office. It was a joy to mix with these amazing leaders from Canada, Germany, UK and Switzerland who are all doing their part in the JAM global effort to help the children of Africa.

During August Paul spoke at NCCB, which represented the first time we’ve spoken in a church context since moving to South Africa. We were delighted with the connection that was made with the body as we gave what has been given to us, and have been pleased to hear positive feedback from the church.

On September 27th Paul will go with his father-in-law, Rodney Lloyd to speak to the church in Mokopane that we visited in September last year (refer to 2008 post). This was such a precious experience last year and we eagerly await visiting “Pastor Sam’s church in the tent” (as Peter referred to it). This is a large African congregation in the province of Limpopo, which is a place with a real “African” feel to it. Pastor Sam will once again interpret Paul’s message into the local language, Northern Sotho and Paul is now getting his Sotho-speaking friends at work to help him prepare an impressive greeting in that language. Paul is also working with Werner (pronounced “Vernor”) Badenhorst, an elder at NCCB (and fast-growing close friend) in developing a series of teachings on “The Kingdom of God” for NCCB during the month of October. Presently the plans are for Paul to speak on the Sunday mornings of October 11th and 18th. As we’ve stated in previous posts, NCCB Sunday messages are available on their website, so you can always catch the messages at

September is also a big month for the Nichols family as both Peter and Minda celebrate birthdays. Peter will turn five on the 26th, and Minda turned older than that on the 16th.

We are presently putting plans in place to visit family and friends over the Christmas holidays in the States. Not a day goes by where we don’t fondly think of and appreciate the many wonderful people who have walked through life with us “back home.” We can’t wait to see “ya’ll!”