Monday, June 8, 2009

Thoughts from Paul

There is certainly a distinction between what we experienced in South Africa when we came in September ’08 and what we are experiencing today. When we visited last September we had a jam-packed, almost daily ministry itinerary with the feeling of constant action. After that we returned to the States for only a few months during which time we put our house up for sale, sold two cars and virtually everything we owned, organized our passports and visas for returning to South Africa all the while working night and day for our church. The intensity of it all in some ways was like a birthing process. Since then our return to South Africa has had maybe the most remarkable sense of peace and of being at home that I can recall. It is as though the “birth” of our life and purpose in this land has been accomplished. We find ourselves out of the canal and very much in our new place.

Though we are busy during the days with our work at JAM our lives as a whole carry a feeling of process and developing over time. It is as though we have entered a great land of inheritance, but must take it day by day and at the Lord’s time. We are not currently pursuing any ministry beyond what we do at JAM in leading weekly Devotions until we have our local covering identified. On that front we are excited about a ministerial network that we have connected with and very well could ask to take on a covering role with us. This church network has been successful in planting churches literally around the globe. Minda and I had dinner with one of the leaders in the network and his wife and are extremely impressed with their commitment to raise up leaders and send them to plant. In just the last nine months this man’s church has been responsible for 3 successful church plants! We have taken note at how much an affinity we feel with the vision and values of this network. We feel good about pursuing that relationship and will update if and when that becomes more formalized.

This period of lesser activity has been a much-needed and appreciated time as a family, building and loving our boys. We are so delighted in how much both of them have developed. Just this last month John David began walking, and hasn’t looked back since! His vocabulary seems to expand daily. Peter has made tremendous progress this year in several developmental areas. Minda and I have enjoyed time with him when he pulls his bible-for-kids book out and “preaches” everything he knows about God to us. “Giving is good…Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that is good…killing people is not good…”

Though the process thus far has been relatively slow, we know it will not last this way forever. Our hearts burn ablaze with a passion to minister God’s word to this people and build His Church in this land. In our spirit is the resounding witness of being where we are meant to be - a clean and thrilling feeling. Thank you all for being a part. We appreciate your love, support, prayers and relationship.

We're bundled up tonight in our house with heaters, listening to the howling wind outside. It's in the 40's! Yes, it gets cold in Africa!... South Africa, at least.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

You guys are such a blessing! We miss you and love you very much! Thanks for staying in touch!
