Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Years Later: A Thank You

The eight or so years before our 'exploratory mission' to South African in September 2008 in many ways felt like the slow initial climb of a roller coaster. Steady, slow, challenging...and in some ways really more preparation for the actual ride. It was exactly two years ago today that we departed the United States on that trip. Little did we know that the trip would very much be the beginning of what has been a thrusting forth into the wild ride of God's purpose, charging forward from the momentum afforded us through a long 'upward' preparation.

This month we also complete the first half of our three-year contract with our employment in South Africa, Joint Aid Management and Jesus Alive Ministries. As we do so our hearts burst with excitement for what is yet to come, while also reflect on the amazing journey we have been on since that 'exploratory mission.’ For each of you who generously contributed towards that mission, or towards our actual move to South Africa the following January, we so value and appreciate what your support has meant to us. We want to express our deep gratitude and share with you from our hearts now at this stage in the process what you have ‘sown into.’

From the day our feet touched South African soil in September, 2008 up to today our being in this country has been surrounded by such a profound sense of divine purpose and blessing. We have been amazed and overjoyed to watch God so quickly open doors of ministry, connect us into many deep and purposeful relationships as well as provide for our needs. It feels like we have entered into a place that was all along being prepared for us at just the right time.

Our beloved friends, Peter and Ann Pretorius, founders of Joint Aid Management, an organization that feeds over 550,000 African children every day, and Jesus Alive Ministries, an evangelistic ministry that has lead over 9.4 million people to salvation decisions throughout 21 African nations played an important role in getting us into South Africa by providing our initial employment (as well as housing!). To us, our roles in these organizations are far more than just jobs. We know that we are learning so much from these two ‘spiritual legends’ as we serve in the tremendous works that they have pioneered. We believe that what we learn and receive from them will be necessary for us to have in our future. It has also been an honor to pour into the staff of both of these organizations as we have helped lead weekly staff devotions.

Our hearts burn ablaze for the Lord’s church, and we know that ultimately we wish to give all of our lives to participate in its building. To that end we are so incredibly amazed by the connection we have made with our church, New Covenant Church Bryanston, which gave birth to New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI), an apostolic network that has successfully planted hundreds of churches now on every continent in the world. The deeper our involvement and connection here, the more deeply impressed we become. We carry such an affinity with the values, practices and beliefs of this network. Since its beginning in 1979, New Covenant Church Bryanston alone has been responsible for planting 31 churches through sending teams of people raised up within its own congregation. That is an average of one church plant every year! We are learning so much from the unique, organic culture of NCCB and NCMI, that seems to foster such richness of relationship, while maintaining a constant commitment to ‘go’ and fulfill the mandate of discipling all nations through planting new churches. We very much feel called to this very thing and, again, are simply amazed at the providence of God. We did not know how we would move towards planting or leading a church when we moved here...but God did...and he brought us to a place completely committed to raising up and sending out leaders to do so.

We are honored that this connection has not only been for our benefit, but it seems our ministry has also meant much to this church. Already, in the first year of our joining the church we have been humbled to be asked to share the message in 8 Sunday services!

A few exciting things on the immediate horizon:

In late October/early November Paul is going with some of the New Covenant Church Bryanston elders and leaders to Singapore and Australia. They will connect with three churches during this trip, including a recent plant from NCCB, as well as spend several days with Dudley Daniel, the founder of New Covenant Ministries International. What an amazing opportunity to grow, learn and further expand our experience in the nations!

Speaking of that, our good friend, Laurel Roth is taking the brave leap to fulfill a dream of ministering to disadvantaged African children. We have been honored to coordinate her itinerary through our connections here and have been amazed at the favor her trip already has had with very significant doors opening up to her where she will literally be able to impact entire regions!

The journey - as always - is yet unfolding. Even still, our hearts overflow with the realization of God’s hand upon us, guiding, directing and empowering. We know for sure we are where we are meant to be. To those who have played a part in making this happen, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for having invested into our destiny, and those we will reach. Through your contribution you are here in South Africa with us!

Much love,

Paul and Minda Nichols

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