Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Consider the Poor"

(thoughts from Paul)

This week I was asked if I had heard about the "million rand robbery." I had not. Apparently, there had been an organized, armed robbery in Johannesburg where 1/2 to 1 million rand worth of items were stolen. The robbery was aggressive and included over 20 men with AK-47 and other automatic weapons. Forty rounds of ammunition were fired. Thankfully, no one had been hurt. I asked where this had taken place and was grieved to hear that it was in Sandton, a wealthy community only 30 minutes from my new home. Though the conversation remained casual and I showed no outward evidence of fear I could not ignore the terrible senses I was having from the several "what if" scenarios developing in my mind. What if Peter...? What if John David...?

My mind knew this was fear and that I needed to be in faith for God's protection, but still the thoughts and feelings ensued.

That night I spent my prayer time bringing this issue before God. I had a wonderful time in His presence, casting all of my cares upon Him. Afterward, I picked up where I had left off in my bible study, which happened to bring me that night to this very verse:

"Blessed is the man who considers the poor: the Lord will deliver Him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve Him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and you will not deliver him to the will of his enemies" (Psalm 41: 1,2)

All of the feelings and fears vanished in the light of God's Word and promises. A great sense of peace and excitment settled over me as I knew the creator of Heaven and Earth was covenanting with me to deliver and preserve me, keep me (and my family) alive, bless me and deliver me.

But, the context in which the Lord spoke this promise was not merely because I was "in His will," or because I had moved to Africa in obedience. The context of this promise was in considering the poor.

God's "father heart" aches and breaks over every soul who does not have enough food to eat. How would I feel watching Peter or John David starving to death due to malnutrition? The thought exceeds my imagination. God's heart feels that and moreso for every hungry child in Africa and throughout the world. He has covenanted with His people that we can be His very Body on earth and do the very works of God. If only He can find those in His Body who would "consider the poor," who would personally identify with their need to the point of action. Only then can He fulfill the desires He feels so strongly towards the starving and needy.

Will you consider the poor? Will you look beyond the issues of your own life and create a place in your heart to care for those in desperate need the way He does? It is to people who would do such that God promises to aid in their time of need.

If you would like to know more about how you can be a part of meeting the needs of the starving children in Africa, please visit

1 comment:

Michelle Mason said...

Hello Paul and Minda,
I am glad to hear you have made it
and are doing well.I am a bit jealous
of seeing the boys in shorts and enjoying the sun.I continue to stand with you all in walking in your new day.I am excited about where God is taking me in my own life.I will be taking my test in March to become a certified teacher.I have also applied
at Heart of Georgia for a teaching position.Blessings to you both and the boys.Love ya,Michelle