Thursday, January 15, 2009

Every Goodbye is Followed by a Hello

The plane touched down after 15 hours in the sky and the pilot said, "After a marathon journey it is my pleasure to give you a hearty welcome to African soil." We are home.

It's amazing how Africa just seems to wrap her arms around our hearts. It feels so right to be here. We arrived at the Joint Aid Management base and we are staying in a temporary accommodation used for visitors until our own home is ready to be occupied. (They are knocking down some walls in one of the existing staff housing units to convert it into a three-bedroom unit for our family. We'll be in it by the end of the month.)

This morning we had a brief meeting with Peter Pretorius just to touch base. Then Paul and Minda took Peter N. to visit a Christian preschool 15 minutes from the base where we've decided to enroll him. The school year began here yesterday, so Peter will start Monday and be in on it from the beginning! He's so excited. He said, "Mommy, can this be my school?" (The principal of the school was Minda's brother's teacher when her family lived here 20 years ago.) It is Summer here in the Southern Hemisphere and so today the boys are already loving playing barefoot outside on the green grass and enjoying the spacious and safe grounds on the base.

We are excited to pursue our plans for this first phase of our journey after arrival. We will need to get up to speed with our roles at JAM Headquarters here on base. We also feel we have several important relationships with various church leaders already developing. We will be visiting several of these and discerning where we will fellowship locally, and also have as a local covering.

Before starting work with JAM on February 1st, we will be accumulating furnishings for our new home as well as acquiring a bank account, cell phones and a car, interviewing and hiring a nanny for John David, getting over jetlag and getting settled into our new home. Minda's parents are here on one of their many trips to South Africa and so they are providing much appreciated help with the kids, etc.

WE ASK FOR PRAYERS during this transition time - for ability to adjust easily, for wisdom in making decisions, for provision for needs. Thank you for carrying us in your hearts. We are so aware of all of our friends and family and carry you in our hearts as well.

Anyone who wishes to contribute towards our relocation costs and the work we will do with JAM can do so by mailing a check to DDMI at the following address and your gift will be tax deductible. (Please mark your gift for the Nichols.)
Nichols Mission
2457 Airport Thruway
PMB #220
Columbus, GA 31904

Thank you.

1 comment:

Mr. Burns said...

Paul and Minda,
Just wanted to say how excited I am for you. My, the changes 9 years have brought us all!