Saturday, September 20, 2008

Back in Johannesburg: Rhema South

After a brief stay in Mabula Game Park on our way home from Polokwane we arrived back in Johannesburg for the beginning of a very full ministry schedule.

Our stay in Mabula was wonderful. We went on a game ride where we were able to witness up-and-close many of the main African wildlife, including Rhino, Giraffe, Elephant, Warthogs, Water Buffalo, Wildebeest and several other species of African antelope. So exciting for us, and especially Peter, who surprisingly was most fond of warthogs! John David now seems to be doing much better and we appreciate those who stood with us in prayer for his healing.

Our first engagement since back in Johannesburg was ministering in a Friday night youth service at Rhema South, a large and dynamic church in the city’s southern suburbs. It was so awesome to worship with these youth and witness their ability to host and sustain the presence of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord moved significantly that night. There was laughter, conviction and encouragement. Three teenage boys responded to the call for salvation, one of which we learned was a Muslim who had been to mosque just earlier that day. We spoke out of Matthew 16: 13-17, where Jesus asked His disciples, “who do you say that I am?” As we spoke the boy was convicted that Jesus was not merely a prophet (according to Islamic belief), but the Son of God and the Way to God. We also invited those wanting prayer for breakthrough to come forward and many responded in a sincere way. With the Youth Pastor’s agreement we ended up going ½ hour over the normally scheduled time to close to minister to them all.

1 comment:

Michelle Mason said...

We are so grateful to be a part for what you all are doing there.We pray
that the strength of the Lord will rest upon you all as you finish the
great work of the Lord.We love and
miss you guys.
