Thursday, September 11, 2008

Orange Farm

Yesterday was truly precious. We went to a place called “Orange Farm,” which is a squatter camp (or “Informal Settlement”) in the rural south of Johannesburg with a population of about 1 million. There we visited a school of many precious African children who were so delighted to have Americans taking their pictures!

We then visited a small daycare and were so impressed at the tremendous job the teachers were doing with such limited resources. You will see in the picture that the school operates out of a one-car garage attached to a home. (Carpet is put down for it to be a preschool by day then the carpet is removed and it’s converted again to be a garage by night.) The children’s behavior was so impressive and they were performing tremendously in their activities. We were delighted as they sang their national anthem for us.

We visited both the school and the day care to witness and participate in the feeding program which is provided by JAM (Joint Aid Management), the relief organization of our dear friends Peter and Ann Pretorius. JAM ensures that these children receive at least one good meal a day (highly nutritious, fortified porridge) and in feeding through the schools, they are encouraging the education of the rising generation.

From there we visited two care facilities for adults with disabilities.

At each of our stops we distributed the clothes that we brought donated from the women of World Harvest Church at home in Dublin, Georgia. Our women need to understand how profound a gift it was that they gave. It is almost crushing to see how “unwanted” items given from our side meet such a desperate need for these people. I left wishing there was some way to transport American “junk” to ones who so desperately need what we don’t even use.


Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome. We are believing for divine appointments for you, and that this time would be as productive as possible for His kingdom. Blessings

Michelle Mason said...

Thank you for that awesome report.
We miss you all,but are truly grateful for this opportunity.

Love ya,


Farris & Tammy Cox said...

Hey guys,
It's great to be able to check in and see what is going on with your trip. I pray the Lord be your great reward and open up every door of opportunity very wide. May the heavens be open over every endeavor your put your hand to for HIM. We love you very much. Tammy