Thursday, September 18, 2008


Monday and Tuesday we were honored to speak at Light of the Nations Bible School in a town called Polokwane. Seven African nations are represented in the 60-person student body there. They have received full scholarships and will go back to their countries to serve in their local churches or to help plant churches.

Paul shared from his experience of commitment to oversight and the local church and how serving a spiritual father is essential today before having “what is your own.” He spoke from John 6 of the tests of the Lord that will expose and purify the motives of your heart. Minda taught from Philippians 3 and gave her testimony of how the Lord has used circumstances to build her life upon the foundation of knowing Christ and being found in Him. All “doing” in the Kingdom of God should take place from that foundation.

We concluded with a question & answer session. During this time several expressed how they had been helped and inspired by what was shared and we rejoice to have some of what we’ve been given sown into the work God is doing in Africa.

The school surprised Minda by celebrating her birthday on Tuesday with a cake.

We are now going to catch up on some rest for a couple days before a very full and busy weekend of ministry. Thank you for your continued prayers that we are so aware of covering us in all we do and each place we go.

1 comment:

Michelle Mason said...

Happy Birthday Minda!
We pray that you all will be refreshed and enjoy His goodness.
