Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We Made It

We have arrived safely in SA and are settled well in our accommodations on the Jesus Alive Ministries/Joint Aid Management (JAM) mission base (see picture). The boys did great on the 18 hour flight… thank God!

This morning Paul discovered there are two water temperatures in our shower: scalding and frozen. Looks like we’ll be taking baths…

We just had our first connecting time over coffee with a local pastor, Ashley Bell, the current pastor of the original church of NCMI, a large apostolic network of churches/ministries all over the world. He is a tremendous man, very authentic and relational. We appreciated the time to pick his brain and glean.

Tomorrow we will have the first item of our ministry itinerary, which is to go to Orange Farm and help with the Feeding program. Many women will benefit from the clothes raised from the women of our home church, World Harvest Church and we will experience firsthand some of the tremendous need of Africans.

Internet is not as accessible here, but we plan to post as often as possible. Look for future updates soon and please feel free to comment as we would love to hear from you, too!


Michelle Mason said...

We are so glad that you are all there.I believe this will be a great
time for you all.Know that we are
praying for you and with you.Blessings to you all.

The Mason's

Deborah said...

Way to go, you guys! Great Blog! We're so excited about how God is using you to advance His Kingdom in the earth. Be blessed in all that you do! Please know that you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. - Deborah

Unknown said...

HEy you guys.. so glad you made it safely! Bless you and don't forget to eat buhbooty... however it's spelled.. it's good stuff. LOVE, Stephanie

Unknown said...
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mikey said...

wish i was there :(

Cindy T. said...

Glad you guys made it safe and glad to see everyone smiling after that long flight! There is no doubt that the hand of God is all over this trip and I can't wait to hear all of the testimonies I know you will be posting here and coming back home with. Jim says he already misses his phone calls with Paul so hurry back! We love you guys and are with you in spirit. Love, Cindy & Jim

jan nichols said...

Pictures are GREAT and loved your update. You are probably part of the feeding program as I write this. Can't wait to hear about it and how God is using you to promote His kindgdom! LOVE YOU!
Mom and Dadf

Paul Nichols said...
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Paul Nichols said...

We are so blessed with so many quality relationships with all of you. Thank you for sharing.
(Internet sure has condensed the earth a bit, hey?)