Friday, September 26, 2008


Tuesday we flew from Johannesburg to Durban and drove an hour to Margate, a retreat community on the southeast coast. Wednesday morning we spoke at a rural African congregation who meet in a school in a very poor area of Margate. We were overcome by the Father God’s heart for these precious people. As Minda was praying in preparation for ministry to them she heard the Holy Spirit say to her heart, “Tell them they’re the apple of my eye.” She shared with them from Deuteronomy 32 and Proverbs 7 that we are the apple of God’s eye and His Word is to be the apple of ours’. She encouraged them that as they grow in love towards their Father God, he will plant His desires in them and then He delights to bring those desires to fulfillment (according to Psalm 37).

Wednesday evening we had an awesome time at Rhema South Coast, a church planted by Rhema South in Johannesburg (which was planted by Rhema South Africa, which was planted by Rhema, Tulsa). This vibrant church of only 3 years was packed with people of all generations and full of energetic worship. We both preached the message, “Enlarge Your Capacity” and afterwards we received so much confirmation from the leaders throughout the church as to how God was speaking “into the Margate area” through our message. The pastor is going to make the CDs of the message available to the congregation at cost on Sunday and he encouraged everyone to listen to it over and over. We were really overjoyed to be the carriers of a Word from God to encourage and empower these laborers who are making a tremendous impact on their city.

Thursday we flew from Durban to our favorite city, Cape Town, the city on the southern tip of the continent of Africa. Once again we’re absolutely awe struck with the wild natural beauty of the mountains and ocean here.

Today is Peter’s 4th birthday so we are making it all about him! We look forward to another very full weekend of ministry.

We value prayers that will carry us through our final week on this mission.

1 comment:

Michelle Mason said...

Thank you for giving us update,I
have been so encouraged by what God
is doing through you all.We speak in
the strength of the Lord as you finish your last week.We sure do miss
you all.
