Monday, September 22, 2008

Jo'burg Happenings

Saturday we had a 4th birthday party for our little Peter and Terri who is Peter Pretorius' grandaughter who is just six days apart in age. They were so cute in their prince and princess costumes and it was a very special day for our two families to celebrate together.

Sunday Minda spoke at Covenant Christian Centre, a vibrant congregation that meets in an area that was once a township under the old South African apartheid system. The people who call themselves the "Cape Coloreds" (a people group descending from the mixing of Europeans and indigenous Africans) still reside in this area though no longer by force. Minda once again gave her heart away on the subject of allowing God to enlarge us through circumstances and bring life to our barrenness. We felt the message being very well received and meeting a need in their hearts.

In the evening Paul ministered at Word Christian Church in a suburb on the East side of Johannesburg. This church has been experiencing a manifestation of the Kingdom of God through healings and salvations and Paul's message was "God Wants Your Heart So He Can Establish His Kingdom."

In both Sunday meetings people received Jesus and were born again.

This morning we were honored to speak at the chapel for Peter and Ann Pretorius' organization, Joint Aid Management ( It was so special to us to be with this team who tirelessly lay down their lives for the practical demonstration of the gospel in feeding more than 470,000 children in Africa daily. They asked us to speak on the many-membered Body of Christ and so we gave of what we have learned regarding how being in unity and order releases God's blessing, grace and power to do the work He's given us to do.

We are looking forward to lunch and an afternoon appointment with Peter and Ann today.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Sounds like you are having a great time. I sent you and e mail but did not know if you will get it. Can I ask favor? Will you send a post card to Savannah at her school. Let me know where I can send the address so you can get it. We have been thinking about you guys and am glad to see if is a great trip. Devin Loves to look at the pictures.
Dawn Lockert