Monday, September 15, 2008


The funds donated for our trip went to great use this weekend as we were so privileged to minister to a church of indigenous Africans in a rural area who cannot usually afford to bring in guest speakers. We have been in the town of Mokopane with Church of the Firstborn whose congregation meets in a tent. They are building walls one by one around the tent to gradually build a building for the church to meet in. These people were precious and it was wonderful to feel the familiar presence of the Holy Spirit with them as we worshipped. Though limited in resources this church has done much and is truly “going somewhere.” It was an honor to give what we had to them.

As we spoke, the pastor interpreted into the local native language, Northern Sotho. Paul spoke from Romans 8, encouraging the people that each one has been predestined, called, justified and it is the Lord’s intention that they be glorified to reveal God in the earth. Minda spoke from Isaiah 54 regarding the issue of “barrenness” in our lives which gives an opportunity for God to bring forth life that meets our own needs and in the process enlarges us to meet the needs around us.

The Pastor and others seemed to deeply appreciate the ministry and even invited us back for a longer period whenever we could.

Peter loved “Pastor Sam’s church in the tent” and continues to fit right in to his African surroundings.

Yesterday we arrived in a larger town called Polokwane where we will be speaking this evening and tomorrow evening at Light of the Nations Bible School. There are about 60 students, over one-third of which are from other African nations who will be returning to their home country to minister.

Please pray for John David to recover quickly from a cold. Other than that, we are all well and enjoying the Lord’s grace and favor as we set our hands to do what He has put before us.


Michelle Mason said...

Awesome report.Thank you for keeping
us posted.I am with you on a speedy
recovery for John David.


Laurel said...

Hey Paul & Minda! Its great to be able to read your reports and share in your experience. I was at World Harvest yesterday and your seats were empty - and you were missed! But its wonderful to see you freely giving what you have freely received. You are thought of often and we are with you in heart and spirit. Can't wait to hear a full report when you get home. Blessings! Laurel

Felicia said...

Paul & Minda its so awesome to see what you guys are doing to further the Kingdom of God here on this earth! I know that the people you encounter are left changed having been in the presence of the Lord. I pray continued favor and annointing on you both as you go and full recovery on little John David! Minda, I wish you a very Happy Birthday today and God's best for you in this coming year!

God Bless You

Michelle Mason said...

Hello Paul and Minda,Bernard wanted
me to tell you all hello and he was thinking of you all.Can't wait to hear all the great things that God is
doing there.
